AWS Community Day Slovakia
March 26, 2025 | Hotel Yasmin in Košice, Slovakia | 09:00 - 16:45
AWS Community Day Slovakia, organised by AWS User Group Košice is a full-day conference in hotel Yasmin in Košice, featuring workshops, keynotes, and breakout sessions on business and technology.
Breakout Sessions
What is AWS Community Day
AWS Community Day is community-led conferences which feature technical presentations, workshops and networking, led by expert AWS users and industry leaders from around the world.
AWS Community Day is opened for anyone, no matter their level of expertise.
Event Highlights
Event Kickoff

The event will start by welcoming speech by Lydia Delyova and Michal Salanci from AWS User Group Košice, followed with a Keynote.

Breakout sessions

The venue offers 4 stages - main stage in room I and smaller deck in rooms II, III and IV

For opening keynote and closinng session, rooms I, II, III will be joined together as a single hall, room IV will be closed.

Panel discussion

Panel discussion on 'Successful women in IT' or 'Future with AI' are being prepared.

Event Expo

Please visit the expo and have a chat with our sponsors. Without sponsors, this event wouldn't be possible. They have insights and ideas to share and swag to give.

Lýdia Delyová
Organizer & AWS User Group Košice leader
Michal Salanci
Organizer & AWS User Group Košice leader
Michal Sedlák
Co-organizer & AWS User Group Košice member
AWS Community Day Slovakia is supported by:
AWS User Group Košice
Cloudastic Events OZ

Our partners

Community partner
For any other questions or volunteering, do not hesitate to contact us


This website uses the open source AWS Community Day Template built by and is hosted and deployed on AWS Amplify. The website uses bootstrap and hugo.